Thursday, January 31, 2013

National Go Red Day!

Tomorrow is National Go Red for Women Day! Break out your red and show your support for women who battle heart disease.

Last year on Go Red Friday, I had a heart attack. This year I think I'll just stick with wearing red.

It's so crazy to think that it has been a year. Sometimes it feels like yesterday, and other times it feels like years ago.

As I reflect on the past year, it's important to keep myself motivated. I thought I would have been further along with my goals by now, but I just have to look at the positive changes that I've made and continue to make more of them.

Fox 4 did a story on me yesterday. I had no notice, so I did not look my best. A portion aired tonight at 5 and the main story will air Wednesday morning on the 9 am show. The interviewed the doctor that performed my surgery and saved my life. I stayed around and watched him show the video of my heart during my heart attack and then after. It was kind of emotional to see, but definitely interesting. There was kind of this gray mass and that was where my plaque was bursting, causing the heart attack. Then immediately after, you could see the heart beating and the blood just flowing through as normal. Crazy stuff.

Sometimes people look at me with pity, and I've had my moments where I have felt it on myself too. But really, if everything can continue to go the way it is now, and I can just continue getting healthier and hopefully not have anymore problems, then everything will be just fine. There are so many worse things that could happen and so many more debilitating diseases.

Going through this past year, I think I have passed through all the stages of grief. But I'm alive and I'm happy. I have a great support system. And this year is going to be so much better than the last!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Approaching One Year....

It is so crazy to think that it has almost been a year since I had my heart attack. At times it feels like yesterday, and at others it feels like years ago.

Since I wrote my last post, I have been working hard to get back on track and I am feeling better about the direction I'm headed in. I've been planning more meals and making better choices. And I've actually been getting to the gym more frequently!

Last week was a stressful week. My boyfriend found a stray puppy at his office and I took on trying to find it a home. Jason's secretary took it the first night. She was awesome and took it to the vet, got it supplies, and got it shots. Then I took it the next night and Sandi Jane was NOT happy. She isn't used to that puppy energy and it kept biting her little rolls. lol. So I was in a huge rush to try and find it a home. After some family members passed on her, I took to the internet. I posted it on Fox 4's facebook page and it was amazing. Over 200 people shared her. Out of all the comments I got, there were only a few that were real. And I didn't just want to give her to someone who wanted a free puppy, I wanted to be sure it was a good home. And I found one! I felt so good about how it turned out. My heart was happy.

WHEW. Glad I got this year's good deed out of the way in January. :) Kidding!

I can't stand the way people treat animals. I am pretty sure somebody dumped her and it makes me so sad. How could someone do that to these innocent animals. I know it happens all the time, it's terrible. If Jason and I ever do decide to get a second dog, I definitely want to adopt from the shelter. It was a crazy experience. But it also made me realize I am not ready for a puppy right now. Although, I do kind of miss her now that she is gone. lol

My trainer weighed and took measurements this morning. We are going to do it again in 6 weeks and there WILL be POSITIVE changes! I have been working with her for 6 months now, and I have not seen the changes I should. And it's not because of her lack of effort, it's because of mine. No more excuses.

On Saturday I did a photo shoot for the American Heart Association. I will be a part of their "survivor" gallery. The picture and my story will be featured with some others when you walk into their office, and it's also part of a traveling exhibit.

February is Heart Month. Make sure you get your red ready for Feb. 1st!

Heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women, it kills more people than ALL cancers combined. Take care of yourselves and spread the word!

Monday, January 7, 2013

New year

Happy new year everyone! I am sorry for my lack of posting, the month of December is a big blur for me working retail.

I would be lying if i denied that I am happy the holidays are over. When I actually got to stop and enjoy them they were wonderful. I am very blessed.

I wish I could say I made better choices in the month of December, but I did not do very well. At work we have chocolates that sit out all day every day and everyone was always bringing in goodies. I had very little self control. I also did not get to the gym nearly enough.

So new year, fresh start. I am looking for motivation everywhere I can find it. I am pretty disappointed with my lack of weight loss over the last year, but all I can do is move forward and keep going. I am still working out with my trainer and trying to work on the mental part of losing weight and changing habits as well.

I just got back from Las Vegas last night, we had a great trip. Back to work tomorrow! I caught all this crud that is going around so I am pumping myself full of vitamins and have to get up and go work out with my trainer in the morning.

2012 was by far the worst year of my life for lots of reasons, mostly my heart attack. Hopefully 2013 cane a year of positive changes and lots of good health and happiness to us all!